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Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington is a sweeping tour of D.C. In his new book, James Kirchick breaks those patterns and tells a robust and meaningful history of his town. history barely makes its way to the Korean War and most certainly not into Vietnam or even the Gulf War. That reliance on narrative is also why, for so many students, U.S. history teacher can spend weeks on World War II, part of the mythology that this newsroom’s founder, Henry Luce, dubbed “The American Century” in a 1941 Life editorial. Stories and arguments matter in history, and for most Americans, it’s why many a U.S. It’s why so many American students know World War I began when a nihilist secret society assassinated the presumptive heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne-and anything much beyond that is a gray blob of battles, military inventions, and diplomatic treaties that serve as a pretext to World War II. This gave way to that, which brought about those as told in a vacuum. History, when given to a lazy narrator, is merely a series of facts, strung together, often in sequential order. ‘The Real Villain Is the Closet’: A New History of Gay Washington Deals With Society As It Truly Was | Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Make sense of what matters most in Washington.

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