Young naruto gay sex

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Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage.Language: English Words: 18,079 Chapters: 18/? Comments: 36 Kudos: 490 Bookmarks: 80 Hits: 10967 Will she be Hokage and still fulfill her destiny of restoring her clan? Do not own Naruto. As such, as the Third Hokage tried to prevent it, Naru is placed in the restoration program, where she must choose at least three men before she turns eighteen or be forced to marry by the council’s whim. Naru, being the last of the Uzumaki Clan and a female at that would be the best way for the Village to restore such a glorious clan. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warningsįem Naruto.Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence.

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